Monday, November 10, 2008

When the King of this Palace is Gone

All chaos tends to break loose.
The king is desperately needed to be present to care for his kingdom.
I wonder if all the calamities that present themselves when he is gone, are to remind us that he is wonderful husband and father. That we depend on him greatly, and he should not be taken for granted.
In the past, we have had straight line winds demolish our backyard and wrap our trampline around a fort.
We have had the heater go out.
We have had 3 inches of ice that trapped us in the house, cause I didn't know how to get the garage door open. (I now know how to)
I have had infants that have cried desperately for da da and unable to calm themselves until they heard "da da's" voice, which was actually's daddy's brother.
I have lost count of how many emergency trips to dr. offices or ERs for stitches.
This time, though the hurricane was forecasted before he left.
I won a night at the Hilton this past summer!
Grandma came to stay with the kids...all five of them. Isn't she something.
My man and I headed out around 2ish in the afternoon.
All was going great.
We went shopping and then to dinner.
My eyes are kind of hmmmm.
Hmmmm. after dinner lets go back to the hotel for a minute.
My eye is swelling. Hmmm. Call the dr. He takes pity and calls out eye drops for pink eye and some for dear husband. As it would totally be horrible for him to land in Atlanta & start to go hmmm.
We go to our movie. We saw FIREPROOF! A great movie by the way.
Then to Walgreens for our prescriptions. YIKES!
Back to the hotel and sleep, desperate for sleep. By now I just don't feel well. I wake up 3 hours later (2 AM on Sat.) and can't open my eyes. I pry them open and go to the bathroom. I look like I lost a fight in a bad way. I wake my Mike and he has to take me to the ER. Doctor has to pry my eyes open yet again. "IMPRESSIVE," he states. Guess he hasn't seen anyone with such a tremendous yuck in their eyes before. He cultures, gives me a prescription, tells me I will be sick for a couple of weeks and sends me on my way. No miracle wand, no magical shot to make me better. See your primary on Monday.
So my eyes are responding to the drops, my head is crammed full of stuff. Kids have banished me to my room cause they don't want to get sick. My throat is swollen as if I have strep (but I don't) and my ear feels like it could burst at anytime. My very sweet 12 year old tells Dad "Don't worry, while you are gone I will take care of mom." A CT Scan on Monday reveals every sinus cavity is packed and an ENT appt. is scheduled for Tuesday.
And Where is Dear Husband -- gone, gone, and we miss him. And yet, there is more.
the next post will show what my dear children have been up to so far the last 2 days.

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