Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Results are in...

Doc's office finally called. My MRI was normal.
Well, they found no abnormalities.
So if I may, I will interpret that as meaning they found a brain!
As for the cause of what is causing me all this drama...
Have absolutely no idea.
They were kind enough to schedule an appointment with a neurologist.
For now, I am getting more feeling back in my face.
Today, my neck hurt.
Mixed blessings, I know.
I could actually tell hubby he was being a pain in the neck today.
Nah, he has been sweet about this.
Letting me sleep as much as I need to.
Letting me hide in my room when the steroids kick in and I need to disappear so not to say or do anything I wish I hadn't.
The kids have been sweet with their hugs and taking care of their momma.
They have also shown a tremendous amount of wisdom about when to stop what they are doing. Their way of helping me to not go beyond grumpy. 2 days till the steroid fun is over!


Hi! I'm Rebecca said...

Hope everything just keeps getting better!

Cav5Mom said...

Good news!

HS Mom of 4 said...

I know it is good news that the MRI showed nothing wrong. But I also know it is frustrating to not have any answers to what is wrong. I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers.