Sunday, September 30, 2012

Life Requires a Sense of Humor....

Fortunately for Fun Girl, she wasn't home.
My allergies are bad.  Ragweed is my nemesis this time of year.
Mostly my eyes are affected.
I step outside and they swell and water.
They itch.
They get tired. 
I spend a lot of time like this.
Cold Compresses to reduce the Swelling.
Often, I doze off for a while as well.
So when I needed to show the Dad what needed to be done in the yard/garden,
I had to take serious steps.
I refused to shower first....
cause the shower would remove all the gunk from my being that makes me sneeze and wheeze.
But what about my eyes?
My sunglasses weren't going to be enough.
So in my jammies, I ventured out.
Then I heard giggles and my IPhone.
Iphone in the hands of Hockey Player.
He is no longer my sweet quiet child.
He is onery, squirrely and obnoxious.
I turned my back and laughed.
Dad reminded me it was his birthday.
So I turned around and smiled.
How cool is that!! 
I told him that would be his birthday present.
And since you can't tell in the above photo, we had to take one of the feet.
mismatched flip flops.
Fun Girl's response:  "I Can't Believe you Went Outside!"
WHat will the Neighbors THinK.
UmmMMM We have OnLY LivEd hErE for 17 YeArS.
I think they have seen it all from us.
Then I told her, I would blog it.
Her response,
"If you want to embarrass yourself that way!"

1 comment:

HS Mom of 4 said...

Oh, Mom! How you embarrass your children! Good for you, Girl! Your membership in the Mean Mommies Club remains secure.