Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Counting to 650.....

626.  New Casts and insurance for it.
627.  Flocks of sparrows filling up for the journey.
628.  Birds on the line.  A fall sight that brings a smile to my heart.
629.  Beauty in my dining room
630.  Lasagna in the freezer
631.  Children who can wonder and fidget their way through a homeschool day and the freedom to do just that.
632.  Hugs and kisses from Granny. 
633.  Gentle cheek caresses with Granny.
634.  Freshly folded laundry
635.  Ravenous boys at the table, eating and smiling
636.  Allergy shots, for the long term health hope, in spite of the momentary uncomfortable-ness
637.  Watching this guy at gymnastics
638.  Beads from Dad's Bud... He bid and won them in the family reunion auction for me.  Just for me.  Makes me smile to look at them.
639.  Full Saturdays.... smiles, running, energy (the kids), activity, fellowship
640.  Lunch with Parent/Grandpa
641.  Early morning rides with Fun Girl. Watching her practice driving at 5 in the morning
642.  Finishing a book for lit studies with kids and gleaning much for myself from it
643.  Inservice days, time to review and see how much it is all working.... in spite of life.
644.  Being able to take time to affirm my children in their studies.
645.  Benadryl and stopping the reaction without an ER visit!
646.  Peeking in ears and seeing ear tubes.  Sometimes it seems he isn't growing, and yet there is evidence where we least expect it.
647.  Smiles and Comaraderie among siblings as we take pictures
648.  Snuggles and naps
649.  Smell of dirt...another chore done....backfilling along the house.
650.  Excited children unable to sleep...anticipation of a fun family outting.

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