Friday, October 12, 2012

Rapunzel she is not!

Little Princess is well a princess. 
She might be Cinderella, she likes shoes.
She might be Belle, she likes to read and dance.
She might be Snow White, fair complected, dark hair, ruby red lips.
Rapunzel she is not.
Stick her in a tower, she will not let down her hair.
She will CLIMB out of her tower and be free.
She is sweet.
She is tender.
She is kind.
She is loving.
She is compassionate.
She is STRONG!
There was a climbing competition at the Y this weekend.
We weren't sure how to make it work. 
Hockey Player had a tournament in OKC.
Then my head cold worsened.
I wasn't sleeping well.
In a hotel, that is not a good thing.
It was decided best for everyone if mom stayed home.
The girls were given the choice.
Then Fun Girl's cold worsened.
Little Princess definitely didn't want to be alone with the boys.
AND she had a competition to entice her away from a trip out of town.
As the boys drove south, we headed north to the Y.
Warming UP!
Stretching and demonstrating flexibility
Half way across the boulder
It is hard to tell in this photo, but she is hanging on by her finger tips.
She is trying to get her footing so she can inch her way to the right.
To the corner and now to cross the bridge!
Pulling up and heading to the red and yellow markers on the right
Touched at last!
One exhausted girl
750 points
She took 2nd place. 
7 point difference between her and first.
She tied her friend for second.
She chose chalk as her prize.

1 comment:

HS Mom of 4 said...

Wow, LP! Impressive climbing skills.